Monday 14 September 2015

Setting Fire on others ~ Not a friend should be

This post is writing about a friend of mine.  I will and have to disown this friend from my life, not to get anymore hurtful word etc for a peaceful life.  This is the best way for both of us!  As the limit is up, I'm believe I not able to be Mrs Nice toward people like this.  I feel so disappointed and hurt by how this person speak.  It's sound suck when she talk.  Don't keep saying how long we been knowing, how much you been treasure the friendship and what very good friend we are!  I do not and will not be soft hearted to this kind of words anymore!  No matter how straight forward a person is, please have a limit of how you should talk or knowing your own politeness in the way you talk to your friend.  We are not enermy but why do you sound like provoking toward me?

I do have other friends who speak straightforward too.  But have these people sound bad toward friends? No!  They didn't!  They think before they talk.  No rudeness at all!

When the moment I saw you posting of your status saying this words "original" of your stupid makeup!  It's make me recall the message that you have message!  The day when I told you a friend of mine bought the makeup and it should be the brand that you like.  What did you say the next thing to me?  You say there fake makeup of that brand!  Hey! What are you trying to say, fake!  Are you trying to say my friend bought fake makeup?  Tell you something, she do not need to buy fake makeup and for you info, she earn basically extremely more than you!  Do you know few months ago she bought herself 2 Fendi handbags which each costing about $3k plus!  And she bought 2 in a month!  Don't as if you are wealthy!  Please admit your own earning income!  And this friend of mine can afford lot of branded and she have number of collection of branded goods.

I really not happy how you looking at people!  And that's my friends!  You actually insulted my friend!

Further more, I would want to share out here straight.  The day when the outing, I was talking about renovation to Char, and was saying about carpentry of the room.  When Char was saying about walk-in-wardrobe.  While I sharing her about, it will waste a room unless she don't mind or she could do a so call walk-in-wardrobe inside the master bedroom (which currently is one of the "in" design in lot of HDB right now) if she don't mind the size of the room.  Which initially I have though of doing that too but due to I have number of bags, I need an additional corset to store all the bags.

While I was also talking about the additional of carpentry needed in the room for bags.  Due to too many bags I have too add on carpentry corset.  And what the hell to do with your stupid longchamp bag?  You showing up your bloody bag to me and telling me what fold what rubbish etc....  Hey! Do you know I share this situation to third parties and one say why must you showing off your bag, why can't you talk about the corset?  Another person told me, not all bag can be fold, there are other bag which is big, how do you expect people to fold?  And we woman have a lot of bags and you expect every of them to fold?  None can accept how you actually react to me.  They don't like it as well and so do I!  And for you info, do you think my others bag can be fold which is totes?  And I have couple of big and middle bags.

There are too many hurtful words from you since long time ago.  This is not the first time which make me up till the limit already.  I been closing one eyes for so long and even few years.  Is best for us to cut off the friendship!  As I can't take it the way who you are anymore.  Whenever you speak, saying something, it letting people felt so uneasy and hurtful.

I remember you actually insulted me before!  And I do not want to mention it again!  And also, those that you use to previously commented are suck too.  Friends who saw you commenting on my Facebook and Instagram come and spoke to me - Why this person sound like this? And so.....  I do notice it and just keep one eye close.

Do note it, we are both difference,  you is you and me is me.  So don't as if people in your life state the same as you.

But the worse part is that, you always say hurtful words.  It's very sarcastic!

There are too many to be mention, to lot of people who know your message.  All felt you are Rude!!! Sarcastic!!! And as if you are so Great!!!

your photo name

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