Saturday 18 July 2015

Interior Design firm Part.1

We actually visited a few ID companies.  Some throwback ~
Last year, we went to expo for IT show and there're furniture expo around too at another event place.  We both randomly just walk in and have a walk since we also did bring our floor plan along with us.  There this ID company having their booth there.  One of the ID approached us, we have a view of their show room over there and have some chat.  They actually proposed their promotion package to us, they having this and that freebies and free top up of kitchen table top.  We have some discussion on what our house wanted to do and that ID lady quote estimated amount to us.  The ID keep emphasis the quote of amount is not enough etc etc...  I and my hubby felt that , she keep saying more amount for it for design the house etc.  I and my hubby did not tempted by what that ID lady offer and especially what she keep proposed to us of the amount should be more.  The problem is that, the design that we share is not fully all in yet so if all in which mean she will quote a big lump sum of quote of it since she kept saying the amount will be more.  That's the first ID company we came across.  It's also a good experience to see how actually some ID company people proposed to client.
*no company name mention*

Last year in facebook in flat community group, there's ID company advertised house viewing around our current staying place.  Hubby booked a slot with them on the viewing day.  On that day, we went to take a look of their design and workmanship.  We visited a 4-room premium flat.  They have done up their renovation completely.  Their design not quite bad to us and workmanship seen not that bad in that house.  
This ID company is Thom Signature Design.

This year we also visited a show flat at Yishun which organised by another ID firm.  It was handle by one of the company boss itself throughout the whole intro session.  After the show flat my hubby drove down to their office as they are having a talk in their office. They do also provided bus for people to travel from show flat to their office.  It's convenient for those who doesn't drive.  They talk about what are the new changes by hdb, what their company provided and etc.  They also share that they have certified of case trust too.  Their company is pretty well-known and have celebrity advertised for them before.  They have very nice design which could be seen from their facebook, magazine.
This ID company is Rezt n Relax Interior.

Another visit few month back to a ID firm which they are having event promotion at their company as they shifted and open a brunch at a new place.  Hubby and me went down and take a look.  When we reach there, there are quite a number of customers.  That ID firm send a young guy to assist us.  He intro their home renovation package to us.  We given the same detail design as the previous first one.  The quote that he given is much reasonable than that ID firm and from the overall chatting everything sound and seem to goes well.  But we are not able to decided to take up or not yet.  But the guy proposed to us that we could actually secure the package and the small down payment of $500 only.  And it could be refund if in the end we do not want the package.  It take us quite long to take in consideration.  After some consideration with Hubby, since it could be refunded if we do not want it in the end.  We took up the package and had the down payment.

My Hubby always will go to the RenoTalk forum to have a view of update from the forum that writen by the people who get their house reno outcome and etc.  The bad thing is that, few weeks later my Hubby saw from RenoTalk forum that a guy posted about his house renovation with one ID firm of this ID guy is really bad.  Although he had censor partial of the company name and shorten the ID guy name.  But though the starting and ending of the uncensored alphabet ID firm which can be quite sure which ID firm it from.  My Hubby decided to drop a message to the forum guy and ask is it the "x" company and is the ID guy name "x" by his mention in the forum as "DK".  After receiving his reply message, it came out to be the correct company and the same guy we have met earlier on.  From the forum guy message, it seen to be still so angry about the whole situation that happened.  He share us what's the case that he had encounter.  Even the wrong port of the lighting the ID didn't bother to do anything to it and just tell him off to just port other place then. "Sigh"  And worse of all is that, he even make his own decision without discussing with the owner/permission request.  When hearing the owner is at the place, the ID guy will not appear at all when he know though phone calling.  Which told the owner he himself  "ID guy" do not need to come down since he's there "owner".

These are some of the ID we had met and talked to.  So many different type of handling and even cases we saw in forum.  Not easy ya....  To choose the right company and also the right person to handle your home is not as easy as ABC.  Must very precaution by ourselves.  

There be some more update about renovation post to be continue on.

your photo name

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