Tuesday 8 September 2015

Baby Growth Scan

Is our Baby growth scan appointment today.  It actually suppose to be dated on 11th September Friday but it was a election day so hospital have to change the appointment date.   The appointment for this month is at 1045am.  But I wake up early morning together with Hubby at 7am and leave house together with him early in the morning.  As I told him that I do not want to take a cab down later.  So he agreed and decided that I leave house with him and I went for my breakfast myself first near his work place and he will came over to fetch me around 10am plus.  So he drove me down together while on his way to work and he bring me to KFC and goes off. 
I had my waffle and sjora drink breakfast.   By the time I finish eating is already 9am plus.  After my meal, I went for my toilet break and find a place to seat down while waiting for him to come.  So fast, it's reaches 10am already.  Just a few minutes ago playing my line game and while I still clicking, Hubby texting me he's on his way to fetch me.  As usual the same as the last few time we went for Baby Growth scan that pretty fast to be call.  The scan for this time round was fastest than the others time.  Previously was a full check up scan on the Baby of the growth of every part of the body and etc.  Today scan was more simple and the Baby weight have hit the kg already.  So happy!  After the scan normally we suppose to visit the doctor right after.  But will be done separately this time which will be on next Monday 14th September instead.  Hubby send me back to home and we have our lunch nearby together before he driving back to work.  Hubby scare I be hungry later in the later afternoon so he bought a packet of vegetarians mee hoon that I prefer to have.

Thanks Hubby for the care and corcern!

your photo name

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