Friday 21 June 2013

A Ungrateful Person

Have saw this person post in FB.  What a ungreaful person she is! 

This god mei been posting in FB "No Mask" etc.

About 2 days back, keep telling me she got no mask, and haze are really bad outside.  And that day was the day before Hello Kitty sales.  Since I be going over the place where near her house to get our Mac so asking her are you coming back to you place to get it?  As she is still outside at Town area.  1st thing come and ask me if she take cab if not enough cash can she borrow from me?  Of cause no, 1st thing my fiance don't like 2ndly I'm not working and what I'm using is my saving.  And some more I'm gonna to do my online selling anytime if ready.  I tell her why not mrt (as it's still before 12am).

We manage to meet up at the Mac area and pass it to her.

Today, in FB... post saying what parent buy one useless etc (Real one mah?  U say ur house dont hav and I pass u leh)  No matter who's one anyway.
As the one i pass her also not N95 anyway.  So she is still complaining too to all the mask she hav with her!!!!!

Let us see below....

"My family I only mng buy normal surgical mask which is useless de sia. Siao liao! I did ask my dad n my kor 2 at least tk the mask n wear. Btr than nth."

You saying is USELESS!!! Hey! Do you know there are people out there looking for MASK!  For their kid too!  They can't even get a normal one you know???  And you are there nagging complaint in FB want a N95 mask!  Saying normal one useless!  Sharing is FB to your fren telling people normal one is useless!

I posted in my FB, saying "Hey! If u so unhappy of what u r holding now! Juz pass back to me that pkt n I can pass to other fren who need it more than u do!
And u get it at FOC! Other ppl r selling it high and buying it high rate."

I saw other fren posting in FB looking for mask for kids.  They just hope to have a normal one leh. And you there complaining is Useless and wanna look for N95.  So wanna dump that ur call useless mask to a side.  Why not you help me pass it to my FB fren daught to use lah... She need it more than you do.  Since you want to get N95 mask liao!  So don't waste the normal one ok!  Got help deliver over to my FB fren ya! I be very grateful on you.

your photo name

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