Monday 1 April 2013

Very sobby day

Having tough days due to my toothache.  Never knew this would happen to me.  Nothing was felt until last Thursday.  There was a slight weird pain coming from my right bottom tooth.  I initially thought it was the tooth filling that was giving me the problem but unfortunately it wasn't.  On Friday night, the pain got worse.  I can't sleep well.  I actually popped two Panadols and my flu pill.  I fall a sleep around the mid night.  I was being awake out of sudden and there come the pain. I can't sleep. Rolling around there bed, going toilet and looking into mirror of the tooth but nothing was seen.  Sigh.....

Is Saturday morning.  Deardear bring me to one of the neighborhood shopping center to find dental.  While waiting to be open, we had our breakfast at McDonald first.  We went back to the dental and it still not open while few people waiting outside.  Deardear decided to go off.  He manage to find from Q&M dental for an emergency slot which is at Sun plaza.  It booked us at 1115am slot. So we went home first.

We reach there and waited for sometime.  While waiting, I was so scare.  It was because the pain was abnormal to me which pain so badly that even my whole center of the jaw till side of the ear area even neck was badly felt.  It was the nerve.  Is my turn, after the check I was very disappointed. As the out come of the check was.... I can only to choose between root canning or extraction. Sob....  I don't want to extract my precious tooth.  I really don't know what to do.  So had a discussion with deardear.  He spoke to the doctor.  Doctor told him, there only 2 choices.  At first I thought root canning will be the choice.  In the end, doctor say that tooth have been quite damage and how long can it maintain after root canning nobody know.  I was stun! Doctor say extraction is the best way for me.  Since I have such pain which it higher percentage that its cause by the nerve.  Sorry to say it nerve have been damage by the inner tooth decay.  Sobsob....

After the chat, deardear decided to wan me to relief the pain and chosen extraction.  As it is waste of money of doing root canning for a tooth which already deadly injury.  What hesitate me was the empty tooth.  Doctor actually recommend implant.  We have chosen this.  The cost wasn't cheap for the implant.  It costs $4k. Having medisave deduction of $1,250. Total cost $2.8k+.  It's excluding all the extraction fee and etc.  Gosh! My deardear pay up for me first by installment.  As I be back to dental for next line cut and tooth implant.

Doctor have booked me for 715pm yesterday evening.  We went down to the bridal shop to collected our gown and suit. While it's still early. So we going home first.  On the way back In deardear car, the pain was quite bad.  I started crying in his car. Endure to be home.  Reaches home, but it damn worse and bad.  The pain is pain till wanna to die.  I want to rest but can't.  Deardear got me a towel of ice to soothing the pain while I trying to rest.  Before that had eat two Panadol.  At last I fall a sleep.

Before we went out, deardear pass me his uni jacket.  He say, for me to wear it while cold.  He told me that jacket have been follow him for four yrs in his uni while he always wear it for his exam.  Is just like his zhang bao.  My deardear so sweet.....!

As for the surgery part I don't think is a need to mention much.  But before and after the procedure, doctor actually given me twice of X-ray.  After extraction, I went though the implant.  Having the screw implant in right after extraction.  I knew I was very scare. As I was shivering.

After the whole procedure, I'm fine already.  And really thanks full to my deardear for being there.  I really had a hard time for that few days.  And also affecting his sleep too.  I know he's worry of me too.  Seeing me suffering his heart pain.

Deardear I love you! I'm lucky have you there for me and everything's too!

your photo name

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