Sunday 5 April 2015

My Birthday and His Birthday 2015 ~ Throwback

26th March 2015

Hubby bring me to this place call Sixty 40 for my birthday.  Which is located at Rochester Drive at Rochester Mall.  He chosen and ordered these foods for me.  I can't recall the name of these foods but is nice.  After our meal we have some walk around the area and saw there are couple of food restaurants too.  We will try it out some other time.  We also have some photo taking upstairs of the dinner place that we just had.

Is a wonderful night with Hubby.  Thanks so much and love! Muack!

Photos done by Hubby!

 It had live singer in the restaurant. 
With my Beloved Hubby!

Having some photo taking after meal.

At night when we are back home, he given me a birthday gift. A New Nintendo 3D XL and Harvest Moon game.  I have never have thought of he will get this for me as my birthday gift. Thanks you Hubby!

03th April 2015

Is my Hubby birthday!  My Hubby birthday present is a headache to me as he doesn't need or lack of anything that can give me a chance to buy him.  So came to a surprise that I found this the day before his birthday.

Bought him rainbow roses with a Happy Birthday Balloon.  The Kinohimitsu was choose by himself when we went to Bugis BHG for window shopping.  So on top of the health drink, I got him a surprise of the roses and balloon.

That day I was supposed to be on the way to school but due to the neasea and vomiting occur while I reaches around mrt.  I rush toilet again.  It came on and off.  I tried to walk down the path to school.  In the end, I ended up stopping at Cathay area resting.  I called up my Hubby and informed him about it and he will be on the way coming down from his office to fetch me.  I was supposed to be siting outside the area but there are 2 young girls came so near and sit somewhere near to me, Gosh.... smoker!  I got to escaped to it for the second hand smoke.  I went into the Cathay building and went all the way down to basement and found seat.  I feel so much better lot!  While I was resting, I saw a florist shop right in front of me.  I had a view of it.  I saw these beautiful roses.  It was told by the boss that these roses are different from normal roses as they can be keep forever as dye roses.  He show me those he had kept for 3 yrs and 5 yrs roses.  So I decided to got Hubby these flowers accompany with a Happy Birthday balloon when he still on the way.

Hope my condition is not letting him feel worry, as when we on the way to carpark I puke again but lucky to have plastic bag ready from Hubby.

He love it so much when a surprise to him of the stuffs I bought.  Next day of his birthday, he got his younger brother to took the photo for him with the roses and balloon.  :)

His birthday dinner at grandmother place with a full table of foods.  Cakes was bought by his aunt.

His younger sister wasn't around as she was having her holiday in Australia in Melbourne.  A photo taking with my Mother-in-Law, Hubby and his younger brother.  Having a good time ya! Once again, Happy Birthday Hubby!   

your photo name

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