Tuesday 1 January 2013

Our 1st Bubble Night Together

Our 1st time bubble night together at Woodlands waterfront on New Year Eve.  Is pretty fun.  And it seem like we both are also making people around there to enjoy the bubble too. 

There a malay father carrying her daughter and come near the bubble that we have blow out and play with her daughter.  So both of us keep making more bubble for the baby girl.  Hee... The malay father say thank you to us. :)

After that there a group of teenages, they was so anxious over the bubble.  Playing around, carry another friend up high just to try to catch the bubble.  They look very enjoy with themselves. 

It seem that many people love bubble.  I do love bubble very much too!  Bubble really will make a person feel happy and fun.

That's how we enjoy our New Year Eve.  We always accompany each other everywhere anywhere.

Love you deardear! Muack!

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