Wednesday 12 July 2017

My baby girl have growth up

I'm surprised by my baby girl! Just now been trying to make her to sleep but she was rejecting and actively around the bed.  I thought she doesn't want to sleep.  So I ignore her and lay on the bed.  She push something toward me.  She actually goes down from the bed and goes to the bed side table to take her water bottle and back to bed to ask me to open.  She want to drink water.  I leave her on the bed and goes to toilet and she come find me.  We goes back to bed together to get ready to sleep.
The surprise came to me was, she actually put back her water bottle back to the bed side table.  Oh man!  She have growth up!!!

This afternoon after she finished the packet of biscuits, I was finding the empty pack. Wonder where it is.  And I found it in the dustbin!  To my shocking she actually know where and knowing to throw into dustbin already!  Is really a good job my baby girl!

My girl 19 month old journey!

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