Saturday 3 May 2014

Yeah! I passed my Final Theory Test

Today I have my FTT at 11:45AM.  Hubby send me to driving center.  Yesterday night have actually went for driving practical lesson and then have dinner with Hubby and goes back to driving school at around 9pm for theory practice. And also have study over night for those purely theory question in case it really came out and I couldn't answer it.

Early morning, getting really for it although I'm kind of tired.  Finally getting started for the test, my heart was pumping fast till it like boasting. lol.... As my theory wasn't very good.  I slowly take my time to do and check.  And there a guy came in later siting beside me.  The moment he seat down and login.  He seem a bit feeling bored and irritating.  It make me feel some pressure as due to I'm quite nervous.  Most of the people had finish and went off.  Left only like less than 5 people around including me.  Half way thought the test, the boy beside me digging something from his bag.  He took out his phone and stop doing his test.  My time already left only 20 min and I still have few question to finish. Sigh...

The boy since like didn't do his question anymore and stop there.  -___-

I continues to do and wanna to finished it as soon as possible as my heart already wanna out to vomit. lol...   Finally I coming to the end of the question 50 and left 9 min.  I stare at the computer a short few second.  Not very confident of the total scores.  And I end the test.  And it prompt a passed!  I gotten 2 mistake.  a 48/50 scores.  And walking out with a smile on my face! :D

Yeah, one time attempt passed! After it expired since 2012 due to spending time on my diploma instead of driving. Now I can take my driving test in abt 1mth time!

In the evening time, went to hubby sec school mate house for dinner gathering at Clementi.  Their kids had grow so fast.  Now able to talk a lot and very hyper active too.  And definitely look very very cute too!  Quite a no. of us there for dinner, 10 people including the 2 owner itself, me and my hubby.  End of the dinner, we had san gao sa again.  First round I didn't join in, I just sit by my hubby side and see.  Second round I join in the game, I gonna the master.  Sigh... not a easy game for me. hahaha.

After the end of whole session, I and my hubby went back my house for a short while to pass stuffs that I had bought for my mum and brother.  After that, we went to Tradehub 21 mac drive thus for some foods. :) 

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