Wednesday 30 April 2014

Gardens by e Bay Part1 & Briefing for upcoming Trip

27th April '14

Me, my Hubby, my Mil and her younger sister went to Gardens by the Bay today.  We had our lunch at National museum at one of the western food restaurant.  After our lunch, we had a short walk in the museum as there are feed going on.  I saw one nice ball which catching my eyes and Hubby bought for me. :D  

Very nice purple diy decoration.  Hee... is purple colours again.  We plan to put it in our new house.

I bought myself this hand-made necklace. Simple and nice.  Will bring along to my US trip.
FB: theblacknose   

After a short walk at museum.  Hubby drove us over to Gardens by the Bay.  We have took quite a number of photos.  Only be uploading a few of it in part 2.

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Nice cozy place @ Shirokiya

17th April'14

While doing my scalp treatment at Hair science, Hubby came down to Orchard Central to wait for me which I'm almost done.  After finishes, we wanted to have dinner but don't know where should we have.  In the end, I given him idea why don't we go to the cuppage area and take a look is there anything for us to eat.  So we went...  And saw this japanese resturant call Shirokiya and had a try of it.  They given us a room where have 2 table in the room which can contain 2 groups of people to have their meal in there. I have snap photo as below.  You can see the room, is pretty cozy and nice feel to have your meal there.

We have order the steamboat which is collagen steamboat.  Look at the bowl of collagen I'm pouring... ha..... Have tried their rice pudding too.... Is nice!

Next time we wanna to try their special fresh tofu.  Is a freshly made and have the timing for the hot one.  Only subtain timing have the tofu. They have both cold and hot tofu. 

Will update here after try.  It look really tempting. ha...

Our drink, Apricot whiskey and Yuzu soda

Rice pudding

Collagen soup

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Friday 25 April 2014

Worse Trip ever in Life time

Skipping off the part 2 pass work thing.

Now having sometime to update and write up about the trip I have went.  Having understanding about Bro's James pass situation.  He share me about he came back from a trip with his ex gf and they both decided to become friend instead to be bf gf which they both agree with it.  He actually proposed to her ex gf in singapore at once of the romatice place which he share me, which is at One raffles "Alttitube".  They also have already booked all the pre-wedding shoot and hotel etc.  Just a trip they have went together.  Once back to Singapore they become want to become friend instead to be couple.  I asked him why?  He told me, they have different interest. He explain to me, like e.g She do not want to go there where he wanna to go n she wanna to go another places which he doesn't like etc etc. And more others.  Charater etc. When I heard about this case, I don't understand why in the first place.  But now, I understand.

Not long ago, I actually went HK with a friend name Jenny.  In Singapore, we were both seem to be so click in most of the thing or anything.  We were pretty close with each other since last year.  Sharing happy and unhappy topics etc etc.... But after this trip, I totally seem who she is.  In Singapore, sometime she speak over direct which we people will feel in heart.  But I always close one eyes, probaly close friend so forget about it and never mention at all and pass  Till this trip, she make me lose my endurance and had to be being frank back to her whatever she have say with hurtful feeling or provoke on me.  I remember what she had say to me before, she said she a direct person and that's who she is which people should accept who she is.  But now, I have to say that this kind of direct is not those direct people around we people.  That's not direct is direct provoke people which people will feel hurt.  

You told me that your more than 10yrs friend celest always provoke you etc.  I start wondering now, is she since day one is being like this to you or change over the year treating you this way?  Which you have actually say hurtful word on her before which you never realise that make celest turn into this way?  

I intent to write it out here due to she had done herself the wrong decision.  I guess is fated to letting me saw it.  Few days ago, should be last week which my ex a friend sign up IG which we will received notification.  I went in and just have a look and see her followings/followers.  As this person doesn't have much friend so curious who are people followings. lol.  Out of a sudden, I realise Jenny have went miss.  I naturally have very strong six sense which I know since young and also after going to fortune-telling told me about it. Is a true confirm.  I went to take a look by searching her name.  Oh well!  She damn idiot, remove me.  What I really unhappy is, she had done wrong thing and dare to do removing people.  And she thought that I don't know she actually block her stupid privacy in FB. It so childlish.  which my hubby told me, sound like she as if a kid. Acting like those love to do " I don't friend you thingy".  lol

HK trip story,
Since she wanna be in this way and been step on my tail since  in HK.  I would'nt give a single face to it now and will bring up all she had done which make me pissing over her.

Going HK, she keep wantng to eat local foods.  I guess she never see herself what's going on here for this part.  

1st day, passing by a few eating place.  She wanna to eat hainaness chix.  I actually asked her, huh hainaness chix?  Her reply was, must try to see her nice or not mah.  
(faint)  I'm not saying she can't try.  Is just that, does she know hainaness chix is singapore food?  When ang mo came to singapore are craving to trying this in Singapore.

2nd day we have eaten Ajisan.  She asked me go and eat Ajisan next day.
(faint) We are in HK, why don't eat their chiness food there. 

All these above is ok to me.  As this is not the main story.  Just sharing out the trip experiences to reader.

One of the evening, is dinner time.  I asked her where is she going?  she told me going to the dessert house that I have told her.  I tell her, Desset?  We haven't even had our dinner yet.  Can we have our dinner 1st before dessert?  (It's very inrrgular meal pattem.  If she doesn't feel like eating. But other people need to eat what)
Passing by and saw opposite road there are eating place.  Asking her what to eat she got no answer.  I have to ask her, as this trip only 2 of us and she not like some of my ex collg that eat anything everything easliy.  She have particular foods that can't eat.

In the end, no choice got to grab some food to eat.  As i don't hope that gestric happen if not it will be dead shit in the trip.  I went to grab stick, she doesn't want to buy any. (I do not know why.  But at that point of time, I thought she not enough cash so asked her to share and i so call treat her eat).  Pass by another stall ask her to grab together that sticky rice to eat.  I'm not leaving her alone to enjoy my own foods.  Since she doesn't seem like want to have dinner I got no choice.  

This part which I share with my those 18 yrs friends last sunday when they came over my house for whole actual day morning to banqt video viewing.  Cause my friend have bad trip experiences before too which went with friends.  We were talking about bad trip experiences. lol

Was sharing this part about the dim sum place.  I told them one of the food is chee chong fan.  Jenny dig out all the green onion.  Sharon straight away tell me, chee chong fan originally have green onion what.  I tell them, I asked her before I order one and she say ok. So is not my fault.  I tell them what I saw in her IG earlier one. Something like -  "Which she wrote about something that her mum will cook what she like to eat will not let her eat what she doesn't like."  (If she trying to say something with this sentance, pls be understand what is going on 1st before pin point on others dude!)

On Wednesday night I think, we shop till late and we were hungry.  So I asked her, wanna buy some back and share the foods?  she agree and say ok.  So I help to brought drink and tofu and she help to brought siew mai and egg pan cake.

Something gonna happened,  she bath 1st and after that I went to bath.  when I came out she was eating the foods.  I was thinking, thought we say we sharing how come she eating on her own.  Yes, she did ask me whether do i want.  But you know what, this is how she ask me with her left over shitty food!  

she asked : Do you want, I eat untill left like this le?

What the hell!  You think I'm dog ar!  You eat untill like this and asking people still want or not.  Don't you feel er xin or not?  You don't come and tell me what your friend share also. But did your friend eat your left over food!  Do you know what's the meaning of left over foods?  And for your information, I am not your those friend mention! (if u are going to mention about it in your own private) I believe you will tell your friend about what I had wrote about you her. 

And by testing you in the hotel that day, 

Me: Don't know tonight what time can sleep already?  Hungry confirm can't sleep.
She: Oh, I hungry also can't sleep that's why I have to eat full then can sleep.

Idiot person you are!  I tell this to my mum, and she heard this convensation she also understand and knowing what's it is.  She said, so you eat full for your hungrer than other people don't need to eat lah! Selfish!

And fyi selfish idiot! You only buy your own siew mai which had told at the place that buying two!  What's going on with you?  I was so du lan about it! Since that day you 1st day say me I damn piss off! And you think passing me eating that 1 - 2 pieces I will not hungry? Look at you, how selfish you are! In this trip and this my whole life time eating so little of food in a trip leh! And keep hungry.  Keeping don't want to eat dinner,

On Thurs, we actually forgetten about our dinner.  I'm not sure is she forgotten or not.  As when passby few stall saw foods. And i started to look at my watch to see what time did we have dinner and realise oh... we haven't eat yet.  So I told turn over and told her we haven't had our dinner yet.  And her reply was - yar, you eat loh. I'm not hungry.

I was like huh! I eat loh!  Hey selfish girl! I wanna go eat dinner leh! What I eat loh... And cause of your that reply I have to eat street food again!
After her reply I was shock as we din't have dinner since after lunch and it was 7pm+ already.

I asked her - huh, you not hungry?
She reply - yar. You eat yourself loh. I can go back had my cup noodle.

When the moment she reply this.  I realise suspect she might not have enough cash for foods.  No matter it is or not, I being kind and buy extra food and let her have some.

On the last day, I asked her what should we eat later? (for discussion)
She- over there got pizza hut
Me- huh! Pizza hut!  Today last day le leh, can we eat something of the foods here mah?

We passby a dim sum place.  She start ordering her OWN foods.  Dim sum leh! 1st time saw people ordering own food.  Friends are asking me, she 1st time eat diu sum isitz?  Then like this how to eat other food?  Or is she don't like to share food with people one?

My answer to them is no for the 1st time eater.
And a I don't know for the others question.
(but couldn't be leh... if don't like sharing.... steamboat she might hate but didn't) Something wrong with her. (if it because of money she can be frank to me what, I'm to treat also) Weirdo!

After she order, I saw her order her prorig and a set of siew mai.  So i started to asked her, your siew mai is share or individual?  
She keep don't reply is individual.
Her reply was - You want you can order your own.
I actually asked her twice and insist not being straight to the point.
But I knew the answer of her's which is she is having of her own.

I saw couple of dim sum and feel like ordering to share.  I asked her but she doesn't want and expecting me to order on for my own. (And pls, you dumb isitz?  I order on my own and do you think I can finish all the food?)
I don't understand why she want to being like this. 
I saw a unique food call lamb xiao long bao.

Singapore doesn't have it, I wanna tried.  so asked her,

Me: Do you want to eat lamb xiao long bao?
She: I can't eat
Me: Is lamb not beef? (chinese yan not niu)
She: Yar I can't eat 
Me: Why?
She: pray pray
Me: Pray what?
She: Don't know, my mum say cannot eat
Me: Then you Vegtrain ar
She: yar

Bull shit! What vegtrain!  Hey! You are eating prawn and meat!  That's not vegtrian! Execuse so much! I had never heard can't eat lamb and I only heard don't eat lamb.  And for pray only vegtrian don't eat lamb and not only lamb and is all sort of meat! 

I told my friend sharon about this whole story,  As she's regular go HK traveler.  She told me, go HK must try their food and their foods are very nice.  Seafoods damn good there.  Asked me did I tried?  I tell her, I saw and wanna to try but she doesn't want.  That's when the day passing by opposite there lot of stall and I asked her and she ignore me.

There are lot of things happen on the trip. Why I getting so work out in the trip.  All cause of her mouth of words!  Why I bringing all these up.... I'm going to bring up these which I actually forget it but after days of the trip accumuation.  I'm boast of very things.  I hate her so much now!  Spoiling trip! 

I'm now sharing the way she talk to people.
Departure Airport - While taking shoot of passport.  She saw mine was without cover while she have cover on it.  She say - your's doesn't have cover gonna cover mine over your's.
She asked me, why mine doesn't have cover?
I tell her, original nice what and I like red too. I buy cover also never use.

I wonder, what's wrong with it.

In HK MTR,  the door is clear and everyone have came out.  I'm able to go in and pull my luaggues togther in behind me.
When enter into the MTR, she start saying-  Can you watch out behind? Do you know your lugg almost knock on people and do you know your lugg is slider?

Remind me of these I damn piss!!! I share this to people!  They say, you are walking infront and she expect you to watch behind.  How are you going to walk infront and watching behind?  And those people behind should watch themselves behind you while walking leh.

And you know what, on thur after all the limit of endurance.  I boost out and scolder her on the spot.
I can't recall when at the scolding point or back to hotel when we talk.  She tell me this, About the lugg part. She say, I scare you will hurt that's why tell you to be carefull.
What the f is that?  You trying to change the story to be nice???

In hotel, When I was doing my mask and also asked her she not doing her mask? she obviously say it pupously in this part;
She: I actually cannot do mask de.
Me: Then why you buy mask?
She: I actually secertly do one, my mum don't let me do.
Me: Why?
She: Cause my mum say chemica, do too much not good for face
Me: Chemical... you can get organiz one.  Mine are organiz one.  And can only be buy from facial salon. My skin is pretty sentative, cannot anyhow use.  That's why you see things i use are can't find from outside or seem.

Look at her! Wasn't it too obvious that she say it puposly. She trying to say me indirectly, look at her heart is so black!

I would like to start here of the selfisness of her. Too much too many.....

Regards of what my hubby asked and friends asked of my trip -
Did I try mik tea? Did I try this and that?

I straight share them what we had eat.
Hainessness chix case as above. 
They say - HUH! That's sg food.  What good or not? 

My hubby told me to treat their wanton mee is one of their food there.
I tried.
I told sharon I had that and she had korean maggie mee.
Friend: Huh! what korean maggie mee?

Drink i didn't get to try any milk tea. 
Sharon told me, you go any their cafe rest just order their milk tea all nice de.
I tell her what I and her had at the The one.
I had lavender milk and she have ice chocolate.
I tell them, she say HK one very nice. She had never drink before so nice de which she tried so many places.
Friend: Hey! All ice chocolate is the same de leh! She never drink before is it!

The part that she die die want face for herself I guess, 
in the plane, she dare to say so loud "she eat whatever things!"
Is really laugh out loud!
Why, because in the trip she dip the oinon out which mean she don't eat, beef, lamb and sashimi and all raw food. 
Is this call everything eat????

Please think before you say things.  You have say lot of wrong thing.  Not only in this trip even in Singapore before fly.  But I have never say a things out.  As I treated you as my real friend.  So I close one eyes.  You keep on adding on n on till make people hate you as well as your selfishness.  I have seem the ugly side of in you.  If you realise your mistake you would not have do blocking.  You step on my tail! Is you digging your own grave!

What your heart is thinking and how true you are treated me over that week.  God see it!
And don't forget, I have a different life as other people.  For over the years, people who had bad to me or done nasty or whatever things and I didn't treat them bad at all.  They will involve in bad situation in their life.  What will happen I don't know.  Few of them have being punish.  

Share you one story that happened before, a group of childlish ex collg which happened many years back.  They bully me at work, after I left those few of them who are nasty ones being fired/asked to leave company after a mth I have left.  

All the best to you! 

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Sunday 6 April 2014

My birthday gift '2014

My this year birthday present given by Deardear with full set of Samsung.  Samsung Note Pro with bunch of free gifts.  Haven't try yet so not sure how good is it.  But heard this Samsung Note Pro not bad.  Thanks Deardear!

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