Tuesday 31 May 2022

Falling sick Part.1

What a sudden sick yesterday. Feeling weird after hair do and feeling so uneasy, whole body started from feeling warm and having light headache. The body warm make me keep feeling cold. Before having our lunch, we went to latch baby first. To realise, my right breast is feeling pain and uneasy. Didn’t think far too much and thought it just normal clog and can getting rid by my own.

Yesterday still having my mother days lunch with the kids. When reached home head feeling dizzy. Having a check of temperature sudden hit 38+ degrees. Fastest pop 2 Panadol and short couple hour later drop till 37.5 degrees.

Worse part was…. My right breast getting bad pain and big lump. And not just one lump but 2. 

Today second day get a check and I’m negative. But my fever was gone actually but the warm keep coming back on and off. Like 36.9 and back to 37.4….

And to realise, I suspect I gotten mastitis!!!! I do not know what is mastitis. Only to know having fever and breast lump and pain at the same time that I suspected.

To be continued….. 


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